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OLAC Record oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0009_5E4D_1 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Oral Traditions: Pupupi | |
Contributor (researcher): | Eithne | |
Coverage: | Suriname | |
Description: | Recordings: The recordings were made by Dr. Eithne B. Carlin in 2006 & 2007. Initially Trio (Cariban) was used as a lingua franca, and all Wayana data were translated into Trio. Kulepeman and Same were the narrators. Kulepeman lives in the village of Apetina and remains the sole inhabitant who has not traded his loincloth for western clothes. At the time of the recoding he was early in his sixties. His grandson, Johan, sometimes helped with the translations. Same is a traditional healer and lives with his family in Tutukampu, a small camp downstream from Apetina. Several of these recordings were made in this camp. The music recordings are of Same’s son, David. Despite his ‘hip-hop’ image, the songs he is singing are church songs. Wayana: The Wayana are a small Amerindian group currently living in the dense tropical rainforests of Suriname, French Guiana and northern Brazil. Although there are many variations in the number of speakers remaining today it seems acceptable to presume that approximately 1200 live in the afore-mentioned areas. The name Wayana, by which they are known today, is in reality a collective name for several ethnic groups who are believed to have merged in the 18th century. This most likely occurred, in order to increase their chances of survival following extensive warfare and the spread of European diseases for which they had no cure. Despite the many discrepancies within the written sources as to which groups are to be included within this amalgamation, it is assumed that the three largest groups included the Upului, Opagwana(i) and the Kuku(i)yana, the Fire-fly People, who are known as the “original” Wayana (Boven, 2006: 59). Today the Wayana live along a total of five rivers, which are important sources for food, water and sanitation, and which additionally form important links with hunting grounds, gardens and other villages. Approximately 200 Wayana continue to reside in northern Brazil from where they originate, although they now seem, for the most part, to have merged linguistically with the Apalai. In Brazil they live in the state of Pará, along the banks of the Jarí and Paru Rivers; the latter of which forms the state border between Amapá and Pará. Despite their Brazilian origins, the largest number of Wayana speakers can be found along Litani and Lawa Rivers, the latter of which partially forms the Suriname-French Guiana border. In the interior of Suriname approximately 400 Wayana continue to live along the Tapanahoni River where they have resided since the mid 19th century. Here they are concentrated in the villages of Palumeu and Pïlëuimë (Apetina), the latter of which is where the majority of these recordings were made. Text taken from: Hough, Karen. 2008. The Expression and Perception of Space in Wayana. Sidestone Press, Leiden. References: Boven, Karin. 2006. Overleven in een grensgebied:Veranderingsprocessen bij de Wayana in Suriname en Frans-Guyana. IBS Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam. | |
Format: | audio/x-wav | |
Identifier (URI): | https://hdl.handle.net/1839/00-0000-0000-0009-5E4D-1 | |
Is Part Of: | Leiden Archives : South America : Wayana | |
Language: | Wayana | |
Language (ISO639): | way | |
Publisher: | The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics | |
Subject: | Wayana language | |
Subject (ISO639): | way | |
Type (DCMI): | Sound | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | The Language Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/www.mpi.nl | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:www.mpi.nl:lat_1839_00_0000_0000_0009_5E4D_1 | |
DateStamp: | 2018-04-06 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Eithne (researcher). n.d. Leiden Archives : South America : Wayana. | |
Terms: | area_Americas country_SR dcmi_Sound iso639_way | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | Suriname | |
Area: | Americas |