25 standard format color slides scanned at 4800 DPI on EpsonV800 flatbed scanner
PC1-36-01: Relic 5
PC1-36-02: Maewo map for Tagharo
PC1-36-03: Gardens
PC1-36-06 Qat Baruqu Crotous on path
PC1-36-07: Na Ole (adolescent)
PC1-36-08: Naviso
PC1-36-09: Relic 1
PC1-36-10: Relic 10
PC1-36-11: Relic 1
PC1-36-12: Late Lapita – Maewo
PC1-36-13: Geo Jeff + me taking Kava
PC1-36-14: Taro Gardens
PC1-36-15: Iluelonko
PC1-36-16: Relic 7 15
PC1-36-17: Iluelonko
PC1-36-18: Relic 8
PC1-36-19: Maewo Gongs
PC1-36-20: Nat the dead Naviso
PC1-36-22: Taping at Ngota
PC1-36-23: Gardens
PC1-36-24: Relic 1
PC1-36-25: Relic 4
PC1-36-13 depicts Jeffery Uli who worked closely with Crowe on The Oral Traditions Project, Uli also continued making recordings long after Crowe left Vanuatu. The slide also mentions Geo, who is the third individual in the image, I suspect this is George Gwero, who also worked alongside Crowe and Uli on The Oral Traditions Project. Recordings either made by/of Jeffrey Uli and George Gwero are in the VKS2 collection. (In the VKS2 collection Jeffery is referred to by both his shortened surname and full surname ‘Jeffery Uli Meruana’).
PC1-36-12 the spelling of ‘late’ may also be ‘lafe’.
PC1-36-17 The handwriting on the slides is somewhat indecipherable here, other interpreted spellings could be Monelonko or even Uineloko.
Crowe has mentioned the slit gongs pictured in PC1-36-19 in past academic articles.
PC1-36-20 is damaged meaning the some of the writing is missing from the slide, the gap in the description above is due to this damage.
Notes by Lachlan Thompson, 22.06.2023.
. Language as given: