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OLAC Record oai:paradisec.org.au:KK1-0397 |
Metadata | ||
Title: | La Law Ma hte dumsu (The bullies and the cow) with English translation | |
Access Rights: | Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions) | |
Bibliographic Citation: | Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), L. Tu Awng (speaker), 2017. La Law Ma hte dumsu (The bullies and the cow) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-0397 at catalog.paradisec.org.au. https://dx.doi.org/10.4225/72/598894ea61efd | |
Contributor (compiler): | Keita Kurabe | |
Contributor (depositor): | Keita Kurabe | |
Contributor (speaker): | L. Tu Awng | |
Coverage (Box): | northlimit=27.331; southlimit=23.137; westlimit=95.335; eastlimit=98.498 | |
Coverage (ISO3166): | MM | |
Date (W3CDTF): | 2017-02-02 | |
Date Created (W3CDTF): | 2017-02-02 | |
Description: | Translation (Gun Mai) The story that I am telling now is about an orphaned boy and many brothers. The many brothers wanted to win the only cow that the orphaned boy had. So, they said to the orphaned boy that "Orphaned boy, let's fight your cow and our cow." The orphaned boy denied but they kept insisting him that "Let's fight." So, finally, the orphaned boy said that "OK, let them fight." They let to fight between the little cow of the orphaned boy and the big cow of the many brothers. Because the cow of the many brothers was very big and strong, the big cow was running after the little cow of the orphaned boy. Because the big cow of the many brothers ran after the little cow of the orphaned boy, the little cow of the orphaned boy was running away from the big cow. Then, the little cow suddenly stopped near a very deep cliff. When the little cow of the orphaned boy stopped, the big cow of the many brothers ran after the little cow aggressively. But, the orphaned boy's little cow immediately moved aside and the big cow of the many brothers fell into the deep cliff and died. The little cow of the orphaned did not die so the many brothers got angry. Because they got angry, they went to the orphaned boy's house and said that "Your such a little cow is still alive and our big cow is dead." So, the house of the orphaned boy was set on fire. The orphaned boy said that "OK, I can do nothing. Let it burn." The orphaned boy made a basket and he put ashes from his burned house into the basket. And, he carried the basket around. At that time, a man who went for trading was returning home and was carrying a basket full of gold and money that he got from trading. The orphaned boy met with the man and said that "Hi friend, you look very tired. Is your basket very heavy?" "Yes, my basket is very heavy," the man said. "So, shall we swap and carry it? I will carry your basket with gold and money. You carry my basket. Let's go together," the orphaned boy said. So, the orphaned boy carried the basket of the man who went to trade and got a lot of gold and money. The man who went for trading carried the basket of the orphaned boy that was very light with ashes from the burned house. The man previously was very slow when he carried his heavy basket with gold and money but he was very fast now with the basket that was very light. When the orphaned boy looked at the man, the owner of the gold and money basket, he was already quite far from him so the orphaned boy turned around. And, the orphaned boy hid and disappeared. The man was waiting in a village but the orphaned boy did not come so the man said that "Where is the boy who is carrying my basket with gold and money?" but he did not see the orphaned boy anymore. Even though he tried to find the orphaned boy, he did not see. When he opened the basket of the orphaned boy, it was ashes. Then, the orphaned boy carried the basket of the trader and returned home. When he opened the basket, he saw a lot of gold and money. So, he said to his grandmother that "Grandmother, go to the many brothers and borrow a weight measurement. Let's measure how many visses is the gold." So, the grandmother went to the many brothers and said that "Many brothers, my grandson asked to borrow the weight measurement." "What to measure?" the many brothers asked. "I don't know. But, my grandson said to borrow the weight measurement," the grandmother said. The many brothers borrowed the weight measurement and said among them that "What these two persons will measure?" There was a small tent after the house was burned. The many brothers went to the tent and secretly looked through a hole in the wall and they saw that the orphaned boy was measuring the gold and counting the money. So, they said that "Wow...How did he get the gold and the money?" And, they asked the orphaned boy that "Orphaned boy, how did you get these gold and money?" "I exchanged with the ashes from my little house that was burned. If it is ash from your big house, you can get much more gold and money," the orphaned boy said. "Are you sure?" the many brothers asked. "Yes, I am sure," the orphaned boy said. So, the many brothers immediately returned home and took out the things from the house and burned their big house. They burned their house and took ashes from the house and carried each bag. Then, they asked a person that "Hi, don't you want to buy ashes?" "Don't talk a stupid thing. Why should we buy the ashes as it is useless? I might buy if it is charcoal," the person answered. They asked another person again that "Hi man, don't you want to buy ashes?" The person answered again that "What a stupid! Why should we buy the ashes? I might buy if it is charcoal to pound the knife." Thus, the many brothers said to each other that "The orphaned boy has lied to us. Let's go home and kill him." So, they made a big basket called Wa Bung basket and put the orphaned boy in the Wa Bung basket. Then, they carried and brought it to a big and deep river. And, they hung the basket with bamboo over the river. Then, they said that "Let's go home to have lunch. After we finish lunch, we will cut the bamboo and let the orphaned boy fall into the river." So, the many brothers hung the orphaned boy and returned home to have lunch. Thus, the orphaned boy was being hung there. At that time, a rich man who drove a buffalo and a cow passed there. The rich man who drove the buffalo and cow was suffering sore eyes. When he looked at the bamboo, he saw that the orphaned boy was hung. So, the rich man asked the orphaned boy that "Hi, what are you doing there?" "Hi Friend, I am suffering from sore eyes so I am hanging here and I feel quite better now," the orphaned boy said. "Really? I am also suffering from sore eyes. If so, let me also hang there," the rich man said. The orphaned boy then said that "OK, please help me to come down first. I will hang you again. If you will be cured if you hang here." So, the rich man helped the orphaned boy to come down from the basket and the orphaned boy hung the rich man in the basket again. Then, the orphaned boy took the buffalo and cow of the rich man and went to the forest to hide the many brothers. When the orphaned boy was hiding, the many brothers finished lunch and said that "Let's go and kill the orphaned boy." And, when they got to the river, they said that "When we tried to kill your cow, our cow was dead. You said that if our big house is burned, we can get a lot of gold but we got nothing. Go to die now." They cut the bamboo to fall the basket into the river and killed the orphaned boy but it was the rich man. Two days later, the orphaned boy returned home with buffalo and cow. So, the many brothers said to the orphaned boy that "We already put you into the river. How did you come back?" The orphaned boy then said that "You, such guys! There are many buffalos and cows in below part of the river and there are also a lot of buffalos and cows in upper part of the river. There is only a little buffalos and cows in the place where you put me." The many brothers said that "Are you sure?" The orphaned boy said, yes. So, the many brothers said that "If so, please also hang us because we also want the buffalo and cow a lot." The orphaned boy said that "I can't hang to all. You can hang each other but I will help to hang the last person." So, the many brothers hung each other throughout the river. The orphaned boy hung the last person. Then, he cut the robe of the many brothers one by one and said that "Go to catch the buffalo and cow." But, the orphaned boy said to the last brother that You are bad guys and bully others. The bad guys who bully others will be terminated. You, the many brothers will be terminated today. How would be possible to catch the cow in the river? You have no knowledge as much as even me alone. I will cut now." The last brother was saying that "No, no, don't do it. Don't do it." But, the orphaned boy released the robe and the last brother fell into the river. Thus, all the many brothers died there. The orphaned boy was set free because he met with the rich man who drove the buffalo and cow and helped him free. The orphaned boy took the buffalo and cow so he became a very rich man and lived happily. The story is ended here. Thank you very much. Transcription (La Ring) E ya hkai na maumwi gaw jahkrai kasha hte lalaw ma ni kaw na e lalaw kasha ni gaw jahkrai kasha dumsu langai sha nga ai hpe e shadang kau mayu ai myit rawng nna "Jahkrai sha e na a dumsu hte nye dumsu ni gasat saga" nga na tsun dan ai rai yang jahkrai kasha gaw nhkraw ai. Nhkraw tim mung "She gasat ga law" nga ai majaw "Mai sa gasat shangun ga" ngu nna jahkrai kasha a dumsu kaji hte lalaw ma ni a dumsu kaba hpe jahkat sai da. Jahkat jang gaw lalaw ma ni a dumsu kaba gaw grai n-gun rawng ai majaw gaw shachyut chyu shachyut shachyut chyu shachyut hkawm lalaw ma ni a dumsu dawi gaw jahkrai sha a dumsu dai hpe shachyut hkawm ai majaw jahkrai sha a dumsu gaw yen chyu yen yen chyu yen rai she mana maka sung ai n-gam makau kaw she jahkrai kasha a dumsu gaw dai kaw e tsap jan rai nga ai da. Dai kaw tsap jan rai nga ai she "Bai jahkrai kasha a dumsu ndai hpe gaw" ngu di she adit na ngu she lalaw ma ni na dumsu kaba gaw hpre. Jahkrai kasha a dumsa gaw hpren le hkaraw de dun tawm rai na lalaw ma ni na dumsu grai kaba ai gaw dai kaw e si mat wa sai da. Dan rai na jahkrai kasha wa gaw bai dumsu nsi sai. Rai jang gaw ka-un sai, ka-un ai majaw she jahkrai sha a nta hpe she lalaw ma ni she "Na dumsu hpe nre ai gaw hkrung nga anhte dumsu kaba gaw si wa re" ngu na she jahkrai sha nta wa nat rap, nta jahkat kau ya sai gaw. Nta nat kau ya "Rai sa nat kau ya u ga" ngu di jahkrai kasha wa shingka langai mi wa rai she shi a nta hkat ai wan wu hpe hta bang hta bang hta bang rai ka grai tsawm ai gun hkawm ai da. Wo lam hku gun hkawm yang she htaw hpaga ga sa ai la langai mi wa she wo hpaga ga awng di ja lit gumhpraw lit arai gun di wa ai da. "Ga hkau grai ba na re nga le grai li ai i na lit gaw" ngu ai da. "E grai li ai lo hkau e" nga yang she "E galai gun ga maw maw ngai gun ya di ga na a ja lit hte gumhpraw lit ngai gun ya de ga, maw nang nye lit gun u sawt rau sa ga" ngu ai da. Dan nga na she jahkrai sha wa gaw dai hpaga ga lu di wa ai wa a gumhpraw lit ja lit wa gun rai yang she dai hpaga ga di lu di wa ai la wa gaw jahkrai sha a nta wan wu atsang nga ai gun "Sawt shawng u" ngu da. Shawng yang gaw mi gaw shi gaw lit grai li ai gun hkawm ai re majaw gaw nchyang ai le, hpang e lit gaw atsang re nga gun jang gaw htaw swi tawm. Praw di yu yang gaw dai ja gumhpraw lit lu ai madu wa gaw grai tsan jang she jahkrai sha gaw bai htang. Htaw makoi di mye hto mare langai kaw du jahkrai sha hpe la raitim npru npru rai jang she "Ga ya nye a ja lit gun ai la wa npru ai gaw" ngu na bai yu yu tim nmu kau sa. Tam yu tim nmu sa shi a lit hpaw yu yang gaw wan wu wa she rai taw nga, wan wu wa ru kau na htawra nta de bai wa ai da dai hpaga ga grai awng ai la wa gaw. Rai yang she bai jahkrai kasha gaw dai hpaga ga grai awng ai wa a lit li ai she galai la na she htaw nta de wa. Rai yang gaw run yu yang gaw ja da gumhpraw da grai rai ai da. Grai rai rai jang she kadwi hpe she "Dwi e htaw lalaw ma ni kaw sa di joi shap su, ja joi kade re kun shen yu gaw" ngu ai da. Lalaw ma ni kaw sa na she "Shu hpe joi shap ra rit da law lalaw ma ni e" ngu yang "Hpabaw shen yu na madai mi" ngu yang "Nchyoi a law ngai kadwi gaw raitim nye shu wa joi shap la su law" ngu shap ya dat ai da. Shap ya dat nna she "Ndai yan gaw hpa shen ai kun" ngu di she dai nat kau ai hpang mung ginsum kasha nga sai le i, rai yang she shakum hku na yu yang gaw ja shen di nga ai da. Ja shen di nga gumhpraw ni ru di nga hpe mu ai da lalaw ma ni. "Ga jahkrai sha ndai gaw ndan nga re ja wa lu ai i" ngu wa jahta ai da lalaw ma ni gaw. "Dai jahkrai sha kaning di lu ndai i" ngu ai da. "E nye a ginsum kasha hkat wa ai wan wu hte galai ai re, nanhte na zawn rai nta galu galu kaba kaba re ma hkat di na me gun yang gaw grai lu mai ai" ngu ai da. "Shang nrai e jahkrai sha" ngu yang she "Chyam yu le" ngu ai da. "Aw dai she rai yang gaw" nga di na bai htang rai na rai ni shaw di na lalaw ma ni gaw da shanhte nta galu kaba re hpe nat kabai kau ai. Nat kabai kau na she hpadu langai hpra hpra ningwan gun hkawm ai da. "E hkau wan wu nmari na i" nga "Ah ga mana mana hkum nga u wan wu gaw nmari ai law, nra sha rai yang wa gaw naw rai na" nga wora kaw bai "E hkau wan wu nmari na i" nga yang "Mana mana hkum nga u wan wu hkrai hkum di le nra sha pyi rai chyawm gaw nhtu dup na wa" nga bai rai da. "Gai jahkrai kasha ndai masu ai re gai wa ga sat kau ga" ngu ai da "Sat kau ga" ngu na she wabung ka kaba wa na she jahkrai ma hpe rim di na wabung ka kaw e dawk di na she hpai sa nna she le nga nawng kaba ai hka mung grai sung ai kaw she wa ra yan npan dung sharawt na she dai kaw noi tawn da da. Noi da rai she "Saw e shat sha wa ga shat shadu sha ga, ya shat sha ma jang gaw dan di le hka de rut rap di kau ga" ngu na lalaw ma ni gaw shi hpe noi da rai di nta mare de shat shadu sha wa. Re hpang e she shi gaw dai kaw e noi di nga rai yang she dumsu yan nga gawt di wa ai lauban kaba langai lai ai da. Dai dumsu yan nga gawt ai lauban kaba wa gaw myi machyi da e myi grai machyi she praw yu dat ai wa she "Wat myeng wat myeng" rai nga "E hkau hpa rai ai ma" ngu "E hkau e hkum kajai lo myi li li ai myi grai machyi na ya ngai nang kaw noi di loi gaw mai sai lo" ngu ai da. "Koi deng gaw hkau ngai mung myi grai machyi ai ngai hpe ma noi nga shangun rit" ngu ai da. "Deng shayu la rit le nang noi nga u le nang noi jang mai a" ngu ai da. Gai ngu na she la dai wa gaw atsawm sha shayu la di she la dai wa hpe bai noi da di hkra. Ding she jahkrai sha gaw dai wa gawt ai dumsu nga ni gawt na she lalaw ma ni hpe hkrit di nam de gau nna htaw makoi di nga kau sai da. Makoi di nga rai yang gaw lalaw ma ni gaw shat sha ma na she "Saw jahkrai sha hpe htau kau saga" nga di garu kachyi nga di jahkrai sha hpe e "Nang gaw dumsu jahkat la ga ngu yang anhte a dumsu wa galau si, nta nat ai mung ja grai lu nanhte nta kaba gaw ja grau lu na re nga di anhte hkai mung nlu rai si wa u" ngu na gai dat u lo ngu yang jahkrai ma gaw nrai htaw dumsu nga gawt ai lauban kaba wa she rai. Hpang lani din yang gaw jahkrai sha wa gaw nga yan dumsu ni i gawt di bai hprawt rai wa ai da. "Aga ndai jahkrai sha hka de she rai sai nga yang ndai ni gaw kaning rai lu wa ai rai" ngu yang "Nanhte gaw law lahta na la-ing kaw mung grai nga ai le lawu wu de mung grai rawng ai, nanhte she ngai hpe dan pan ai kaw pyi nang nrawng ai nang hteng kaw she grau rawng ai gaw" nga. "Jahkrai sha kaja wa re i" ngu yang "Re" nga "Bai deng gaw anhte hpe noi myit law anhte mung lu mayu ai dumsu nga law" ngu ai da. "E ngai gaw nngut a nanhte chyu noi hkat mu, ya langai sha ngam ai shaloi chyawm noi da ya di ga" ngu ai da. Dan nga na gaw dai shanhte shada noi hkat na dai la-ing shagu de lalaw ma ni noi da kau. Noi da sada langai chyu ngam ai hpe gaw galaw tawn jahkrai sha e noi i. Jahkrai sha gaw kaning ngu i nga yang gaw "E nga rim ai re dumsu rim ai re ngu na hprut lup hprut lup" hpang jahtum na la hpe gaw "Nanhte gaw myit nkaja ai manang dang sha ai myit nkaja ai manang dang sha ai nhkru nkaja ai ni gaw htum ai. Nanhte lalaw ma ni gaw daini gaw htum sai, ya dai dumsu rim ai kanang rai na i myit mung hpaji mung nrawng ai gaw ngai jahkrai sha ram nanhte nchye ai. Dan kau sai yaw" ngu yang she da e law da e law nga di gumzawt ai nga yang sumri gaw hprut lup dun tawm" rai di lalaw ma ni gaw dai kaw yawng si htum wa. Jahkrai sha wa gaw dai zawn rai di nga gawt dumsu gawt di wa ai myi machyi ai mi ang di nang myi li mai ai law ngu kaw noi da na nga dai ni hpe mung lu la di jahkrai sha gaw dai shani kaw na gaw grai lu su di nga mu nga mai wa ai da. Maumwi gaw ndai kaw e htum sai hku re. Grai chyeju kaba sai re law. . Language as given: Jinghpaw | |
Format: | Digitised: no Media: Audio | |
Identifier: | KK1-0397 | |
Identifier (URI): | http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK1/0397 | |
Language: | Kachin | |
Language (ISO639): | kac | |
Rights: | Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions) | |
Subject: | Kachin language | |
Subject (ISO639): | kac | |
Subject (OLAC): | language_documentation | |
text_and_corpus_linguistics | ||
Table Of Contents (URI): | http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK1/0397/KK1-0397-A.eaf | |
http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK1/0397/KK1-0397-A.mp3 | ||
http://catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/KK1/0397/KK1-0397-A.wav | ||
Type (DCMI): | Sound | |
Type (OLAC): | primary_text | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/paradisec.org.au | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:paradisec.org.au:KK1-0397 | |
DateStamp: | 2021-10-22 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Keita Kurabe (compiler); Keita Kurabe (depositor); L. Tu Awng (speaker). 2017. Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC). | |
Terms: | area_Asia country_MM dcmi_Sound iso639_kac olac_language_documentation olac_primary_text olac_text_and_corpus_linguistics | |
Inferred Metadata | ||
Country: | Myanmar | |
Area: | Asia |