Closed (subject to the access condition details), for the time being (Until consent is granted by the community) this is only open to the community of Manmoyi, the researcher and the Warddeken Ltd.
If consent is not granted for public access this item will be removed as per the PARADISEC conditions of archival.
Bibliographic Citation:
Claudia Cialone (collector), Claudia Cialone (researcher), 2017. Bininj Kunwok rock art protection. MPEG/VND.WAV. CC01-BIMKUNWOK at
This item contains only audio and some video files related to rock art protection technical language in Bininj Kunwok (BIMKUNWOK). This was recorded to assist the Warddeken Ltd. With their rock art protection program. The files have been recorded in two rock art sites: Yenamarraway and Bukbuk. The numbers after each content file name represent a temporal succession of recordings in the same area. This item also contains the track from one location to the other (BIMGEOT1_BUKBUK, BIMGEOT2_YENAMARRAWAY) and the waypoints (BIMGEOW1_2). Language as given: