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Bibliographic Citation:
Andrew Pawley (collector), Andrew Pawley (author), 2011. Kalam dictionary. VND.OPENXMLFORMATS-OFFICEDOCUMENT.WORDPROCESSINGML.DOCUMENT/XML/PNG/JPEG. AP3-dictionary at
Published 2011 as: A dictionary of Kalam with ethnographic notes / Andrew Pawley and Ralph Bulmer ; with the assistance of John Kias, Simon Peter Gi and Ian Saem Majnep. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. The dictionary has been combined into one document here, and is stored in both .docx and TEI XML formats. The docx file is formatted as per the printed dictionary and the XML documents have had the images extracted and are rendered as structured text. There are files representing the front matter, TOC, guide to the language, pictures of contributors, and the finderlist.
. Language as given: Kalam
Digitised: no
Media: file transfer
Audio Notes: Original files converted to TEI P5 using the online service Oxgarage (23/7/2013). This service converts to XML and extracts images. All files were renamed, and the lexicon was combined into a single file.
Originals sent as follows:
Kalam-English Y.docx
Kalam-English W.docx
Kalam-English U.docx
Kalam-English T.docx
Kalam-English S.docx
Kalam-English R.docx
Kalam-English P.docx
Kalam-English O.docx
Kalam-English Nyg.docx
Kalam-English Ny.docx
Kalam-English N.docx
Kalam-English M.docx
Kalam-English L.docx
Kalam-English K.docx
Kalam-English J.docx
Kalam-English I.docx
Kalam-English G.docx
Kalam-English E.docx
Kalam-English D.docx
Kalam-English C.docx
Kalam-English B.docx
Kalam-English A.docx
Kalam TOC.docx
Kalam title page for Finder list.docx
Kalam title page for Dictionary.docx
Kalam Photos.docx
Kalam Photos checklist.docx
Kalam Guide Intro.docx
Kalam Guide 06 Refs.docx
Kalam Guide 05.docx
Kalam Guide 04.docx
Kalam Guide 03.docx
Kalam Guide 02.docx
Kalam Guide 01.docx
Kalam front pages.doc
Kalam Finder List.docx
Kalam Finder list Guide.docx
Kalam Finder List FIRST PAGE.docx
Kalam Acknowlegements.docx
Kalam Abbreviations.docx
Exp heading Kalam-English A.docx