OLAC Record

Title:Comparative Wakashan Vocabulary
Contributor (researcher):Jacobsen, William H.
Golla, Victor
Sapir, Edward
Swadesh, Morris
Description:Photocopy of the index and first 20 pages of Edward Sapir and Morris Swadesh’s manuscript, “Wakashan Comparative Vocabulary” (1951), which is kept in full at the American Philosophical Society (497.3 B63c W la.26) (the item Sapir.001 contains different pages of the same manuscript); a letter from Victor Golla to William H. Jacobsen, dated November 5, 1984, requesting Jacobsen’s opinion on whether to include the manuscript in an edited volume of the Collected Works of Edward Sapir; and a letter from Victor Golla to William H. Jacobsen concerning the publication of a volume containing Edward Sapir’s Nootka materials, requesting assistance.
Format:1 folder, 26 pages
Is Part Of (URI):http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7297/X2028PGT
Rights:Items catalogued in the California Language Archive are the physical property of their respective physical repositories. Intellectual rights, including copyright, belong to item creators or their legal heirs and assigns.
Rights Holder:Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
Type (DCMI):Text
Type (OLAC):lexicon


Archive:  California Language Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/cla.berkeley.edu
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:cla.berkeley.edu:2014-21.004.007
DateStamp:  2015-05-15
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Jacobsen, William H. (researcher); Golla, Victor (researcher); Sapir, Edward (researcher); Swadesh, Morris (researcher). [1951/1996]. California Language Archive.
Terms: dcmi_Text olac_language_description olac_lexicon

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