OLAC Record

Title:Nez Perce 6
Contributor (researcher):Aoki, Haruo
Date (W3CDTF):1962
Description:Notebook containing field notes, including texts, words, and phrases. On pages 5 - 27 the notebook contains a transcription of the second half of "Cannibal", as told by Elizabeth P. Wilson, collected by Aoki in 1962, and published in "Nez Perce Texts" (Aoki, 1979, pp. 29, ISBN: 0-520-09593-6); this text links to the sound file LA234.003.001, and the first half of this text is transcribed in 2014-12.001.005. Pages 29 - 43 contain a transcription of the text "Coyote and Fox [1]" as told by Elizabeth P. Wilson and published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 39). Pages 45 - 51 contain a transcription of the text "Coyote and Fox (2)" as told by Elizabeth P. Wilson and published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 47). There are no sound files linked to these previous two texts. Pages 53 - 85 contains a transcription of the text "Coyote and his Daughter" as told by Elizabeth P. Wilson and published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 50) and linked to the sound file LA70.013.001. On pages 87 - 129 there is a transcription of a text entitled "The War" as told by Agnes Moses, along with Rachel Arthur and Elizabeth P. Wilson, which links to the sound file LA234.005.001; this text is published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 101) though a section of the published version of the text is absent from the transcription, namely a section from NPT pp. 108-109. Pages 131 - 145 contain a transcription of Agnes Moses' story "My Childhood", as published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 86) (additional voices of Elizabeth P. Wilson and Lydia Corbett) and linked to the sound file LA234.006.001. Page 147 contains a transcription of Agnes Moses singing "Death Song", as also published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 127) and linked to sound file LA234.007.001. Page 149 contains a transcription of Agnes Moses singing "Hymn [by H. H. Spalding?]" which is also published in "Nez Perce Texts” (pp. 128) and linked to sound file LA234.008.001. Page 151 contains a transcription of Agnes Moses singing "Dreamer Song", as also published in "Nez Perce Texts" (pp. 130) and linked to sound file LA234.008.002.
Format:1 notebook
Identifier (URI):http://cla.berkeley.edu/item/22384
Is Part Of (URI):http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7297/X2JS9NMS
Rights:Items catalogued in the California Language Archive are the physical property of their respective physical repositories. Intellectual rights, including copyright, belong to item creators or their legal heirs and assigns.
Rights Holder:Survey of California and Other Indian Languages
Subject:Nez Perce language
Subject (ISO639):nez
Type (DCMI):Text
Type (OLAC):primary_text


Archive:  California Language Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/cla.berkeley.edu
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
GetRecord:  Pre-generated XML file

OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:cla.berkeley.edu:2014-12.001.006
DateStamp:  2015-03-06
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: Aoki, Haruo (researcher). 1962. California Language Archive.
Terms: area_Americas country_US dcmi_Text iso639_nez olac_primary_text

Inferred Metadata

Country: United States
Area: Americas

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