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OLAC Record oai:anla.uaf.edu:PC-K-T |
Metadata | ||
Title: | Kwalhioqua -Tlaskani materials | |
Contributor (author): | Krauss, Michael E. | |
Creator: | Krauss, Michael E. | |
Date: | 1961 | |
Description: | Kwalhioquan -Tlaskani materials collected by Michael Krauss. See Box 1 folder 1 for a finding aid to these materials. Box 7 folder 2 is an Introduction to the Kwalhioquan -Tlaskani language by M. Krauss. In 10 boxes: Box 1 f.1 Kwalhioquan-Tlatskani finding aid, ms. draft Apr.28, 1996. Typed in 2013 by WC. f.2 Kwalhioquan-Tlatskani finding aid, ts. draft Aug 26, 2013 reflecting the reorganization and boxing of the materials. f.3 K-T Vocabularies. Xeroxes of just the vocabularies/ word lists (+- ancillary materials containing names esp. in Myers and Curtis) better copies of lists, from which xeroxed (Apr. 27, 1996) are in the source-files, ancillary-historical and background materials are in Box ???. Source files contain vocabularies and related material, anything the source wrote about K-T language or people, some history and correspondence, speakers, informants, wider biographical information can be found in Boxes 6,8,9 and in Krauss� �Introduction� (Box 7 folder 2) f.4 Source files: Hale, Horatio, 1841, 1846. f.5 Source Files: Anderson, A.C., 1854. f.6 Source Files: Gibbs, George, 1855, 1856. f.7 Source Files: Boas, Franz, 1894. f.8 Source Files: Wickersham, James, 1898, 1899. Box 2 f.1 Source Files: Curtis, Edward S. and Myers, William Edward, 1910. f.2 Source Files: Teit, James, 1900. f.3 Source Files: Frachtenberg, Leo J., 1910. f.4 Source Files: Jacobs, Melville 1934. f.5 Source Files: Harrington, John Peabody, 1942. f.6 Source Files: IJAL 1924 article. f.7 Source File: The North American Indian (comparative wordlist) Box 3 Compendium of words from source files and wordlists. f.1 Compendium �K-T File 1�is a. original = late 1960�s. Note that Frachtenberg in labeled Tlintshnai (sp?) J, based on M. Jacobs why only before 1976? discovery of originals mislabeled in NAA) arranged by semantic field basically by original English gloss, numbered 1-180 for those included in Smithsonian questionnaire, plus ca. 193 more (=373) 262 9n spring binder, intercalated not on questionnaire. Bottoms of each page Ant. cognates and/or equivalents, especially from Oregon Ath. (including som but not all of Harrington materials?). Carrier, to lesser extent Ath. (and Eyak) more broadly, and also Salishian from Dale Kinkade, 1969 obtained from copy (b.). Analysis of numerals. Place names and Frachtenberg text at end. f.2 Xerox copy of above, sent to Kinkade, with his original annotations of Salishian comparisons and a few other annotations later by Krauss � probably of no value on (sp?) information not in other files. Box 4 Slip files � done ca. 1976. a. by English gloss, 448 slips, arranged semantically (in same order as 3. above ?) in gray box. b. by K-T lexeme (as far as identifiable) order identical with 5. below q-v., 7 with separators; people 26 slips, �kin� 23, anatomy 63, animals 81, plants 32, world 70, artifacts 60, pronouns and demonstratives 29, numerals 12, adjectival 44, verbs 49, post pos. and suff. and adj. 12, proper names 36, prefixes 31 on 68 slips, suffixes 6 on 18 slips = 584 items on 623 file slips. Box 5 Compendium �K-T file (2); comparative list� f.1 1 st copy more shingling of 4 b. Xeroxed ca. 1976, very few annotations by Krauss. f.2 2nd copy, from a., very few more annotations from Krauss, all coped to copy 3 and/or 4 f.3 third copy, slips enumerated 1-485, and p. (refixes (sp?) 1-29) +s. suffixes) 1-13. + proper names (34) 1 Frachtenberg text, with penciled in readings, interpretations, Ath. comparisons by Krauss � gone over by Kinkade (date?), Golla 1977, Kari (date?) � described on cover sheet � important. f.4 copy 4 �xeroxed from copy 3 ( with entries but not dates (sp?) Kinkade Salishian list and not other latter additions, many additional comparisons by Kari, some more comments and comparisons by Krauss and comparisons by both at front, made on basis of this file but not written into it � described on coversheet- also important. f.5 partial copy sent to Michael Silverstein, all pages that had possible definite non-Ath. forms, to see what M S could identify as Chinookan (sp?) 1977, including forms identified by Kinkade as Salishan, + draft of M S Chinookan article for HNAZ. Box 6 K-T Bibliography, correspondence, conference notes Bibliographical materials and notes, ca. 40 pp., mostly superseded; correspondence (sp?) looking for sources, Blaker (sp?) at BAE-NAA and ANM mostly Jan 1962- Mar 1963; 1977 notes, bibliographical and historical, from conversations with J. Welch, S. Buckham (sp?) � many historical notes and leads still to be followed. Box 7 f.1 Linguistic Analysis, comparative, statistics file pulled together and partly done in 1996 � outline plan for K-T monograph, notes on lost or possible sources, Broadbent article on �reconstruction� related to methods to follow, criticized �Intro� old model ertrus (sp?) (superseded; Statistics on corpus, 6 pp. number of glosses, lexemes in various domains and in each source) phonology (39 pp., development of consonants (stops and fricatives), sonorants, vowels; prosody � no tone, accent and vowel length � as interpreted from each source and synthesis) lexicostatistics and correspondence on morphology and lexicology (sp?) with Leer, Golla, Kinkade, Silverstein �probably more of such to be found in my correspondence files in office, published and unpublished parts of articles by Krauss dealing with various aspects of K-T, its position in Ath. incompleteness of 1924 article, classifiers, 1 sg. with t � classifiers, fricatives, kin terms, no tones, basic phonological developments, dialectology. Important file for future reference. f.2 � f.7 �Introduction� 1976, to K-T monograph planned a. longhand drafts, and typescript: general 1-20; biographical and historical on each source pp. 21-98, including discussion of their interrelationships and value; 99-104, brief summary of �Decline and Extinction of K-T�, 105-107 �Methods of Reconstruction� though with some later comments by Krauss, all to be superseded, in view particularly of notes in 6 and especially items 10-13 with much more historical information. Multiple copies, annotated. Box 8 f.1 K-T Maps- historical and academic maps of K-T distribution; +geographical map of the area. f.2 History, mainly Xeroxes of sources on K-T history a. 1805-1899, i.e. Lewis and Clark through Wickersham (sp?) contact; f.3 Hodge + 1910 sources, later anthropologists + Burman (sp?), RL Olson, Spies (sp?), Jacob, Verne Ray (probably partial for his litigatious (sp?) work), Donovan, Beckham. Vast amount of material to be interpreted and made into a �history.� Box 9 f.1 History and biography materials f.2 An Archeological Survey of the Chehalis River Valley in South western Washington, Welch (undated). f.3 Washington, notes, maps, correspondence. f.4 Handbook article� draft + correspondence and published version of �Columbia River Athapaskans� article publ. in NW Coast Volume of Handbook of American Indians, Smithsonian. Draft 11 pp. 1986 by Krauss very different with much more information on language and linguistic portion than published version, with much more cultural information by Wayne Suttles. Comments and questions and notes to edition by Krauss. f.5 1996 notes largely on 1910 chronology, and on informants. To be combined with post 1910 � history failed 1913 attempt to get Frachtenberg to do more, and above all Harrington notes on informants, their death - dates. f.6 Welch � Greengo- Hjada papers on history and anthropology of area � need to be integrated into study and further contacted for more information. Book: The Willapa Country, History Report; Olson, Nels Mrs., 1965 Raymond Herald and Advertiser, Raymond Washington. Book: The Indians of Western Oregon, This Land Was Theirs, Beckham, Steven, 1977, Arago Books, Coos Bay Oregon. Box 10 f.1 Approximately 900 lexical file slips from an unidentified language. Catalogued as PC-KT-Jacobs and labeled as "Folder 74.1, Box 25 of Clatskanie (Athbaskan) Items (Jacobs, George Gibbs)." However, the file slips do not appear to be Kwalhioqua -Tlaskani. Comments: These materials were collected by Michael Krauss starting in the early 1960s. In 1996 Krauss organized the materials and wrote a ms. finding aid (Box 1 folder 1) In 2013 Wendy Camber worked with M. Krauss to reorganize and box the material and a new finding aid was generated (Box 1 folder 2). Box 10 appears to be a different language, in spite of being labeled as Kwalhioqua -Tlaskani. | |
Format: | non-digital | |
Subject: | lexicon | |
Type (DCMI): | Text | |
OLAC Info |
Archive: | Alaska Native Language Archive | |
Description: | http://www.language-archives.org/archive/anla.uaf.edu | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for OLAC format | |
GetRecord: | Pre-generated XML file | |
OAI Info |
OaiIdentifier: | oai:anla.uaf.edu:PC-K-T | |
DateStamp: | 2016-08-03 | |
GetRecord: | OAI-PMH request for simple DC format | |
Search Info | ||
Citation: | Krauss, Michael E. 1961. Alaska Native Language Archive. | |
Terms: | dcmi_Text |