OLAC Record

Title:[Bantaare, limoro 18] [electronic resource]
Description:Prepared as part of the ALMA Project (African Language Materials Archive Project) of WARC (West African Research Center), hosted on the WEB as part of DLIR (Digital Library for International Research), sponsored by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers and the American Institute of Yemeni Studies. My Opinion, an open editorial in this issue of Bantaare (“Development”), calls for a fight against the consumption of alcoholic beverages as a nceessary step for development. The author discusses the negative effects on human beings and society. Other selections include: Let’s practice Fulfulde: Tongue twisters as a measure of nativeness and fluency of speOther selections include: Government Regulations: New policy establishing the new procedures of literacy, and the literacy actors’ mission -- Fulfulde Grammar: How emphasis on different parts of the sentence affects both orthography and meaning in Fulfulde -- A dream: The author is dreaming about the abundance of cows and milk, and the positive impact it would have on economic development in the country – Jeyoraade Gada: A call for a new strategy of cooperation between local initiatives for social and economic development -- Wisdom from an old man: A tale of three friends who go in search of knowledge and gold. Among the three companions only one learns that: “What a seated old person can see, a child standing on his feet cannot see”. He thus learns true wisdom and earns all the rewards -- Banndi Burkina: a list of proverbs extracted from a book published by an organization for the advancement of Fulfulde in Burkina -- Big News: Basic facts about Iraq, and its ancient and recent history. Mon Opinion, une discussion dans ce numéro de Bantaare (“Developpement”), offre une lettre ouverte sur les effets négatifs de la consomption de boissons alcoolisées sur le development de l’homme et sur la société en general Des autres articles sélectionnés: Lois Gouvernmentales: Nouvelles lois d’alphabétisation et la mission des agents de l’éducation -- Grammaire Peulhe: Les effets de l’emphase sur l’orthographe et le sens du discours -- Un rêve: L’auteur rêve d’abondance de vaches et de lait, et de l’effet que cela pourrait produire sur le développememt économique du pays -- Jeyoraade Gada: Un appel à une nouvelle stratégie de coopération entre les initiatives locales de développement économique et social -- Sagesse d’un vieillard: Un conte: Trois amis vont à la recherche de sagesse et de richesse. Seul un d’entre eux comprend que: “Ce qu’un vieillard assis peut voir, l’enfant debout ne peut le voir”. Il trouve ainsi la sagesse et la richesse -- Banndi Burkina: Une liste de proverbes extraite d’un livre publié par une organisation pour le développememt de la langue peulhe au Burkina Faso -- Nouvelles importantes: Des informations sur l’Iraq concernant son histoire ancienne et récente. Miilo Am: Bindoowo o ina yewtida njaru bagi e ko bonnata e neddo, aduna mum, e diina mum, e bantaare leñol ngol fuh. Dereeji Laamu Derewol ngol Saruusi mawdo mo jannde haalaaaji finaatawa e jannde nde jamaa dawranta winndii ina andinna datol kesol yahrugol jannde nde -- Mbinndi Fulfulde Celludi: Bindowo o ina holla no harfeere teddinaande e fulfulde yaarata e winndugol e faamugol – Koydol: Bindoowo yi’i e koydol na’i biramaaji keewdi kosam, kosam heewi haa do njah-daa fuh tawan jom wuro na joodi na hawjoo jawdim -- Jeyoraade Gada: No wadetee haa Burkina waasa yaarude gada yaha yeeso; waalde ndemoobe e biroobe (gurupmaa) ina waawi mballondirde wallude bantaare ndemndi e birngo so gooto fuh wadi, nangi e baale de, kokkondiri hakkile e hebude laawol gollal -- Tindinooje Gorko mawdo: Tindol jaadiraabe tato mbi’i be tewtowan anndal e kanne. E kambe tato fuh gooto tan faamata ko mawdo joodotoo yi’a, suka ndariido yi’ataa dum; o hebii anndal, o hebii jawdi -- Banndi Burkina: Fulaareede ittaade e dewtere banndi di Waaldeere Daraniinde Fulfulde nder Burkina Winndi -- Kibaruuji mawdi: Kabaaru o na andina en hanki e hannde Irak fuh. Text and images (PDF file) Electronic version of: Bantaare (lim. 18 hitaande 2003). Ouagadougou: [Centre national de recherche scientifique et technologique], 2003. 12 p. : ill. Searching and display require Adobe Acrobat software. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Identifier:http://www.aiys.org/aodl/public_access/alma_ebooks/fulfulde.5.pdf (1.16 MB)
Publisher:Dakar, Senegal : African Language Materials Archive,
Subject:Burkina Faso
Fula language -- Burkina Faso


Archive:  African Language Materials Archive
Description:  http://www.language-archives.org/archive/alma.sr.language-archives.org
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for OLAC format
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OAI Info

OaiIdentifier:  oai:alma.sr.language-archives.org:fulfulde.5
DateStamp:  2008-09-23
GetRecord:  OAI-PMH request for simple DC format

Search Info

Citation: n.a. 2006. Dakar, Senegal : African Language Materials Archive,.

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