Archive Details

Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive (ASEDA)

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Repository NameAboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive (ASEDA)
InstitutionAustralian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
CuratorLanguage Officer
LocationGPO Box 553, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Short LocationCanberra, Australia
SynopsisThe largest and longest-standing collection of digital text about, and especially in, Australia's Indigenous languages is held in ASEDA (Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive). The digital archive began in the late 1980s. ASEDA's function is to collect and look after digital texts for the long term, and also to supply it to communities and others. The separate AIATSIS Audiovisual Archives section holds sound recordings of languages (including digital sound) and the AIATSIS Library has many books and unpublished documents.
AccessASEDA's services are available to language centres, community members, and researchers, subject to deposit and access conditions. A small part of the collection is available on the World Wide Web, some items are Closed, but most items are available by email on request in exchange for a completed access agreement.
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Last Harvested2015-03-02
Latest Datestamp2006-08-30
ReportsArchive Metrics and Integrity Checks
Up-to-date as of: Mon Feb 3 5:36:27 EST 2025